Donald J Trump, the Unartful Dodger

National & Minnesota Report Last night, former President Donald J Trump (R) returned to New Hampshire for a town hall forum hosted at Saint Anselm College and moderated by CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins. The event commenced with a question from Collins, asked if he...

What is the Debate Over Election Integrity All About?

National and Minnesota Report The crux of the debate is the result and whether of not, your person won. This is not democracy, it’s a foregone conclusion and a foist of one perspective on a voting population. On Friday, New York Times Columnist David Brooks said on...

No Republicans Dare Call It Treason

Minnesota Report The insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6th was nothing short of Treason. Now, because we are a country of laws and not of men, we have a United States Constitution, which allows for innocence before guilt and a trial in a court of law rather...