No Red Trifecta, but Rather a Blue Trifecta

Minnesota Report Yes, there were some significant loses in Tuesday’s returns in Reps Mary Murphy (DFL-03B, Hermantown) and Rod Eklund (DFL-03A, International Falls), but one reprieve might be the pending recounts. The reelection of Governor Tim Walz and Lt Governor...

Is Jensen Inadvertently Spreading a False Message

Minnesota Report The Scott Jensen (R-MN) campaign Twitter account is guilty of spreading a false narrative tying Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN05) to the Defund the Police movement, with a photoshopped sign in a picture. At a recent event, with Congresswoman Praymila...

Ilhan Omar Survives Endorsement Fight and Jonesing for Endorsements

Minnesota Report On Saturday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN05) easily fended an endorsement challenge from former Minneapolis Schoolboard and City Council Member Don Samuels (DFL). The contest was over quickly since Omar secured 59% on the first ballot. Leading into...

Samuels Set to Challenge Omar in 5th Congressional District

National and Minnesota Report Former Minneapolis City Council, School Board member and staunch critic of the Reform the Police Charter Amendment aka Defund the Police, Don Samuels, is preparing to challenge Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN05) for the 5th Congressional...