Minnesota Report With the number of associations and organizations ascending to the legislature this week, offered a feeling of things getting back to an aspect of “normal.” This is a reflection of institutional changes, mainly the House opening its doors in the State...
Minnesota Report The State Office Building, finally opened its doors on Monday. Now, things are back to nearly a semblance of regular order. The Senate Office Building was opened up last legislative session under Republican control and remained so this legislative...
Minnesota Report No one likes to take their medicine, which is why they added flavors to it. As we listen to the broad debate around whether Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) exceeded his authority through the use of his Executive Powers during the pandemic and blaming him...
Minnesota Report It is not surprising to us here at Checks & Balances to learn the 15,000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association voted to strike. This extends from Twin Cities Hospital up to the Twin Ports. On August 2nd, while in attendance at the rally...
Minnesota Report Well, its June 1st, and yesterday was the last day to file for office in 2022, and the significance is now, no one can file against an incumbent and they are free to make decisions which will impact the state, openly and honestly. Yes, the is an...