Truth in Labeling or a New Informative Typographic Symbol (AI)

National and Minnesota Report Since US Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) along with Senators Corey Booker (D-NJ) and Michael Bennet  (D-CO) have called for REAL Political Ads Act, we believe she should push further and provide a requirement for all Artificial Intelligence...

Presidential Survivor Series

National Report With the current list of 2020 Democratic candidates being sixteen long, with at least one more (former Vice-President Joe Biden) waiting in the wings, the activities for winnowing the field will be quite strenuous. The ability for any candidate to...

Klobuchar’s Path to the Nomination

Minnesota Report As we have begun to analyze the 2020 Presidential Race, while still awaiting all of the entrants, we see a dual track to the nomination forming. First, is the traditional liberal route, where the candidates have track records of accomplishment in...

Big 10 Strategy for Klobuchar

Minnesota Report As we listened to US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s (DFL-MN) announcement we heard her refer to our neighbors to the east Wisconsin and Michigan not getting enough attention during the 2016 election. As the ever-growing field of candidates expands it will be...