Senate Session Opens With Fischbach in The President’s Chair

At 12:00 pm the Minnesota State Senate opened with Sen Michelle Fischbach (R-13, Paynesville) presiding as the President of the Senate. She currently has the Senate under call and while we watching the chamber slowly fill we are awaiting the actions of Senate Minority...

One Person Can’t Do Two Jobs

In 1972, voters in the State of Minnesota passed the following Constitutional Amendment “To provide for the joint election of the governor and lieutenant governor; to remove the lieutenant governor as the presiding officer of the senate.” The measure passed with...

Walz Clarifies Position on Guns

Gubernatorial Candidate Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN01) is taking a bold step to define his positions on guns, rather than allowing his opponents to do so. He has put forward his positions showing his evolution on some issues, his viewpoint on others and directions he...

Applebaum Not to Seek Reelection

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DJ Danielson (651) 296-8879   February 16, 2018   Rep. Jon Applebaum will not seek reelection to the Minnesota House in 2018 SAINT PAUL, Minn — Today, Representative Jon Applebaum announced that he will not seek reelection to...

Metsa Joining the Field in 8th CD

Another candidate is set to enter the race to replace Congressman Rick Nolan (D-MN). We understand Rep Jason Metsa (DFL-06B, Eveleth) is poised to enter the contest. The 3rd term legislator will face former colleague Joe Radinovich (DFL-Crosby), Mayor Kirsten Kennedy...

Special Election Results Senate District 54 and House District 23B

Senate District 54 People have been walking through the door to the Cottage Grove VFW with smiles on their faces and their happy demeanor will pay-off. The final Hastings precinct has reported and former Rep and current County Commissioner is now...

Other Items from the DFL Preference Poll

When the final results of the DFL Preference Poll were made available at 5:48 Friday evening they didn’t change the narrative in any significant fashion. DFL turnout outpaced Republican by better than three-to-one and Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN01) carried the day with...

Special Elections in the Southeast Suburbs and Southern MN

All eyes are on the results in Senate District 54 and House District 23B this evening to see if any trends for the General Elections on November 6th can be seen in advance. Even though these are local legislative contests, the impact of the Presidency of Donald J...

Nolan Retires, Whose Next?

The surprise retirement announcement from Congressman Rick Nolan (D-MN08) has started phones ringing across the state from Minneapolis to the Range Cities. Now, people are looking to find other candidates to vie for the open seat. Nolan already was facing an opponent...

Thissen Ends Campaign

Rep Paul Thissen (DFL-61B, Minneapolis) ended his campaign for Governor after the DFL Precinct Caucuses. He posted the following on Facebook. I am ending my campaign for Governor today. I have been incredibly blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to serve...