Women Winning Set to Endorse in CD05

We learned last night Women Winning is set to endorse the least accomplished candidate in the field for Congressional District 05, Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) over former House Speaker and Gubernatorial Candidate Margaret Anderson Kelliher (D-MN05) and Sen...

Waiting for the 30th of June

Saturday, June 30th is not just the end of the fiscal year, it is the end of the 2nd quarter and the only financial report we will see prior to the August 14th Primary for Federal candidates. We will be interested in seeing the amounts raised, spent and on-hand for...

Handicapping the Statewide DFL Primary Races

As we are watching the Primary contests for US Senate, Governor, and Attorney General our attention is often diverted to the Democratic side, because other than the race for Governor on the Republican side, it is far more dynamic. US Senate The race between US Senator...

Handicapping the DFL Primary in the CD05

Undoubtedly, the 5th Congressional District has the more far-reaching impact statewide. The turnout figures outpace every other district and the hard leftist bent of Minneapolis is something every other district competes against in statewide races. Since we know this...

Unions Set to Lose Their Political Leverage

Labor Unions have been preparing for the inevitability that they will lose a substantial amount for their funding for political organizing and elections. Today, the US Supreme Court ruled on a 5-4 decision that employees cannot be compelled to pay union fees as a...

Supreme Court Upholding of Trump Travel Ban

The Supreme Court’s upholding of Donald J Trump’s Travel Ban, which is now the law of the land, bans travel from five Muslim countries, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Libya, and Somalia, along with Venezuela and North Korea. It will likely further incent the opposition to...

The Primary Sweepstakes

Now that the state conventions are over, the field of candidates is set and the amounts of money they have to start with is known, it helps shape the next eight weeks until the Primary August 14th. As many expected the Party Endorsed candidates are significantly less...

On-Hand for the DFL CD05 Special Endorsing Convention

5:00 pm Omar won the endorsement. 2nd Ballot Votes % Omar 123 68.33% Torres Ray 44 24.44% No Endorsement 13 7.22% Total Votes Cast 180 4:29 pm 1st Ballot Votes % Drake Dropped Omar 107 54.87% Torres Ray 59 30.26% No Endorsement 29 14.87% Total Votes Cast 195 We are...

Anderson Kelliher Opts Out

Former Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (D-MN05) announced this morning on her Congressional Candidacy Facebook page, she will not be attending tomorrow’s DFL CD05 Special Endorsing Convention. “As an organizer who learned from the late-Senator Paul Wellstone,...