Still Waiting for Iowa

Minnesota Report Two days after the Iowa Caucuses we are still waiting for the final results. As of now, there are still only 71% of the precincts reported. The most up-to-date site is from the IA Democratic Party and other entities...

McCollum Commercials During the IA Caucus Coverage

Minnesota Report On Tuesday, while watching the IA Caucus coverage were surprised to see a number of commercials run by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-MN04) Chair of the Interior-Environment Subcommittee of Appropriations. The ads were in the tradition of her...

Defense of the Caucus System

National Report (IA) The lack of the Iowa Caucus results is not due to the Caucus System but rather the reporting method. As we have now learned, the problem was with the app used to report the results developed by Shadow Inc, a company founded by Gerard...

After Bakk Ouster Republicans Make Range Appeal

Republicans have just posted a statement from Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R-09, Nisswa) in response to the defeat of Sen Tom Bakk (DFL-03, Cook) by new Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent (DFL-53, Woodbury)....

The Faces of the DFL Leadership in the 2020 Election

Minnesota Report US Senator Tina Smith (D-MN)                               House Speaker Melissa Hortman                                  Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent     There will be a distinct visual change on the DFL side in 2020. US Senator Tina Smith...

Political Party and Caucus Campaign Finance Reports for 2019

Minnesota Report The annual filings for the different parties and caucuses were due last week and as it is our tradition we compile them for your perusal. DFL Party (MN DFL Central Committee) Total Receipts 3,555,902.52 Total Expenditures and Disbursements...

The Imperial Presidency

National Politics With the vote pending on the calling of witnesses in the Impeachment Trial of Donald J Trump (R), and an expectation the call will fail due to the Republican Majority control we believe this constitutes the codification of the Imperial Presidency as...

Know Thy Enemy

National Politics The US v Them mentality in US Politics has been labeled as Tribalism. The concept of there being a Blue Brain and a Red Brain was first voiced in a 1994 survey in England, and later it was documented in a study in 1997. It was again the focus of...

DFL Senate Leadership Contest Tomorrow

Minnesota Politics On Saturday, the DFL Senate Minority Caucus will meet and discuss whether or not they will hold a vote on their leadership moving now, or wait for the normal vote after the election. The contest is a challenge by current Assistant Minority Leader...

Do Republicans Endorse Trump’s Actions?

National Politics The religious statement one often hears when someone thought to be a religious person is found to have committed some transgression of the law, is “Love the sinner, but not the sin.” This seems to be a constant task for Republicans regarding Donald J...