Draft Dougie

The expression great minds think alike may be the order of the day. Talk around the Capitol is the forthcoming campaign of Sen. Doug Johnson. The structure of the campaign could look similar to the Draft Coleman Campaign. Lobbyist Ron Jerich claims that former House...

What Are You Shoveling?

Each side of the Feedlot debate is girding up for a protracted battle. The legislators from Greater Minnesota see this far differently from their Metropolitan counterparts. Sen. Steve Dille (R) SD 20 spoke at a press conference on the issue saying that this state is...

The Body Weighs In

Former Brooklyn Park Mayor Jesse “The Body” Ventura declared his candidacy for the Reform Party nomination last week. His platform is “No New Taxes.” He is on an honorable quest, he seeks to prove the American Dream, the possibility of a...

Special Election Results Are In

The DFL House Caucus is returning to its usual level of success in special elections. Republican Ray Vandeveer received 58.43%, DFLer Tom Kranz’s 34.61% and Reform Party candidate Diana Turner picking up the rear with 6.89%. After the addition of Dan Cramer, the...

Making the US West Nervous

Sen. Steve Kelley (DFL) SD 44 stirred up a nest of hornets on Friday in the Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee. He brought forward a bill allowing local municipalities the right to provide telecommunication services. This met with strong opposition from...

DFL Gathering

The DFL State Central Committee met in Hopkins a week ago Saturday. The event was marked by a parade of candidates. While walking into the school where the event was held delegates were greeted to a snow sculpture of the initials HHH in blue dye. The missed...

Republican Party Faux Pas

Republican Party newsletter The Victory Line hit a couple of snags last week in its attempt to recruit women to the right side of the aisle. Inside the newsletter about capturing the women’s vote. That was followed by a joke about Attorney General Janet Reno....

Law and Order AG Candidate: Target Children

Whoever is advising Sen. Ember Reichgott Junge (DFL) SD 46, in her quest to be the next Attorney General, should tell her to lay off the kids. It seems that every piece of legislation she has proposed in recent years is targeted at children. The latest brainstorm is...

Senate Swing Vote

Many references have been made to Sen. John Marty’s (DFL) SD 54, troubles within his committee on Election Laws. That trend continues this legislative session. The committee is considering the Unicameral Legislature bills. By all appearances Sen. Mark Ourada (R)...

The Raging Ambition of New York Norm

The Raging Ambition of New York Norm By Mark Dayton The poem was printed on Mark Dayton for Minnesota letterhead and handed out to DFL party members. It is printed below in full: Listen my friends, and I shall inform, ‘Bout the raging ambition of one New York...