Incredible Expenditures by FairVoteMN

Minnesota Report In 2023, FairVoteMN spent over a million dollars ($1,040,000.00) pushing their agenda for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This expenditure wasn’t very fruitful, in spite of the fact they had a phalanx of 14 lobbyists, since the legislation failed to...

Gephardt at MN State Capitol

Minnesota Report It was interesting to see a quite familiar face, but somewhat out of context, though he was a regular often on the weekend political shows. Former Congressman Richard “Dick” Gephardt(D-MO) past Majority Leader 1989-2005, and Minority Leader from 1995...

Minneapolis City Council Set to Blink on Uber/Lyft

Minnesota Report The Minneapolis City Council is preparing to reconsider their vote and subsequent veto override of Mayor Jacob Frey (DFL-Mpls). This about face is in response to political pressure being applied by ride share commuters, who are unwilling to wait for a...

Legislative Reference Library Move

Minnesota Report April 29th will be the last day the Legislative Reference Library is open on the 6th floor of the State Office Building. The administrative offices will be moved over to the Centennial Building and the Reading Room will become a feature of the Picture...

What Did Workers Find When Excavating the SOB Expansion?

Minnesota Report As the excavation is underway on the State Office Building built in 1931 and renovated shortly there after, and the numerous dump trucks pull in empty and leave with earth, we have expected to learn of some unearthed discovery and we were correct in...

Is Historic Horse Track Racing a Camel’s Nose Under the Tent? Likely

Minnesota Report When the Minnesota Racing Commission passed the ability for the state’s two horse tracks Canterbury Downs and Running Aces to provide a video game which allows betting on races already run, but with an added feature to randomize the outcome, they...

Strange Characters at the Capitol

Minnesota Report Because the Minnesota State Capitol is such a grandiose building people come in regularly in wedding dresses and tuxedos to have their pictures taken to capture the moment for posterity. As the legislature, was in session on a Thursday, prior to the...