The Pawlenty 2003 Budget Fix

Today, at 10:00 AM Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) brought forward his proposed solution to address the budget shortfall of 2003.  He acknowledged the pain and shared sacrifice required from all Minnesotan’s, but expressed his feeling of optimism the people of this state...

Consolidating the Finance Bills

Today in Ways and Means, all of the Finance Bills will be cobbled together, much to the chagrin of Rep. Mark Olson (R-16B, Big Lake), into a single piece of legislation. Olson opposes legislation not following the single subject requirement. We believe the argument...

New Email Designations

In an attempt to streamline government the new email designations no longer require the ending of  When you want an email to someone working in either the House or Senate now that needs appear is or at the end of the email...

Friends Helping Friends

Glen Taylor may now be the owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and an often mentioned prospective owner of the Minnesota Vikings as well as a former State Senator, but he is also a shrewd businessman.  We understand his company Corporate Graphics International is the...

Special Election Declared

Governor Tim Pawlenty declared a vacancy for district 40A and called for a Special election on February 03, 2003.  The vacancy occurred with Rep. Dan McElroy’s selection as Commissioner of Finance. If needed a primary will occur on January 17th.  Candidates need...

Republicans Showing Greater Diversity

When Rep. Phyllis Kahn (DFL-59B, Minneapolis) called former Governor Wendell Anderson to suggest the inclusion of women onto his hockey team for play against then Governor-elect Tim Pawlenty, she didn’t expect the volume of excuses.  When a female goalie was...

Trading Minority Groups

There are some feelings in the DFL community of a bargaining underway between the various minority groups.  With the rise in the profile of the Hmong community, their strong turnout numbers at the polls and a perceived stronger work ethic choosing this community over...

Republican Caucus and Taxpayers League Working Hand-in-Hand

Today, there is a seminar co-sponsored by the Republican House Caucus and the Minnesota Taxpayers League Foundation.  The seminar entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Budget-Cutters.  With all the discussion of the Taxpayers League holding sway with the...

Lobbyists New Clients. Who Represents Whom?

With the Start of the session, we thought it would be good to remind people, which lobbyists are carrying water for which organizations. The most recent additions are: Joseph Bagnoli Metropolitan Radio Board, Minnesota Golf Assn, Greater Minneapolis Building Owners...

Beginning With a Protest or Two

As the session opened protestors greeted legislators.  People carrying pink signs lined the stairway into the Senate Chamber.  This was a gathering of anti-gun protestors who seek to prevent conceal and carry legislation.  With the change in the make-up of the...