Bond Big or Go Home

Wednesday, Governor Mark Dayton (D-MN) released his proposed Bonding Bill, which is standard practice because the even years are the tradition within the biennial session for capital projects. Dayton said, the $1.5 billion proposal accounts for 22,950 new jobs and...

Results Across the Eastern Border

Hudson is often viewed as a suburb of the Twin Cities, it is considered a part of the statistical area, in fact, the current mayor is former state House member Rich O’Connor (D), who represented the eastside 1982-92 until his defeat by now Congresswoman Betty McCollum...

Is Bachmann’s Posturing to Block Pawlenty?

We are hearing an interesting thought, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is allowing her name to be put in place in order to prevent former Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) from entering the Senate race to oppose US Senator Tina Smith (D-MN). Pawlenty may be...

Pawlenty’s Second Deferral (He called us first with the news.)

Originally posted April 20, 2001 When the Vice-President of the United States calls someone who may believe is the person actually in charge, you stop and take notice.  So seems to have been with the state House Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty (R – 38B,...

Ethical Cloud Hangs Over McNamara

The race in Senate District 54 to replace former Sen Dan Schoen (DFL-Cottage Grove), is on between former Rep now Washington County Commissioner Karla Bigham (DFL-Cottage Grove) and former Rep Denny McNamara (R-Hastings), but McNamara must face a Primary challenge...

Minneapolis City Government Puts on its Public Face

The swearing in of the government in Minneapolis originally took place, as in tradition, behind closed doors six days ago. Today, the public swearing in of Mayor Jacob Frey (DFL) and the thirteen members of the City Council occurred this morning at 930 am....

Progressive Push: Statewide Impact of Our Revolution

US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is set to call to all DNC National Delegates from 2016 on January 11th paid for by the national arm of Our Revolution. This is expected to be a call to action and an attempt to keep the momentum started in 2016 alive during the 2018...