Textualism Does Not Exist

National and Minnesota Report The wordsmithing and creationist approach to interpreting the US Constitution is clearly evident in the Judge Amy Coney Barrett hearing in the US Senate Judiciary hearing. As a acolyte of Justice Antonin Scalia she sets off on the wrong...

Looks Like a Bonding Bill Will Pass

Minnesota Report We spoke with Sen David Senjem (R-25, Rochester) regarding HF1 Omnibus bonding bill and inquired as to the likelihood of a passage during the 5th Special Session. He explained how he had initiated talks two weeks back with both the Senate Leadership...

Status of Absentee Ballots (Updated 10/09/2020)

Minnesota Report During this pandemic, the number of Absentee Ballot requests, which ended yesterday, is up nearly twice the amount in 2016. As expected, the largest mount is coming from Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota Counties. The seven-county metropolitan area accounts...

Trump’s Guilt by Omission

National and Minnesota Report Three major questions that are not being answered by Donald J Trump (R), the White House or his doctors. When was his last negative test? This is significant because it will clarify if he was contagious on Tuesday Night, during the...