Minnesota Report
Its a political reality, political parties rise and fall based on the outcomes of elections.As the future of the DFL’s caucus-based system, which is currently suspect, its doubtful it will change in a fashion to improve its ability to produce winning candidates. As an individual, our publisher Shawn Towle, someone who had played a role in helping shape the party process over a decade ago, now witnesses how it has dramatically changed, and not for the better.
The DFL has become a party which has long surpassed those efforts and went fully off the rails, deteriorating into an identity based political reinforcement and advancement mechanism. Currently, its focus is not a system based on winning elections, but rather advancing a bizarre ideology, seeking not just application locally in places like Minneapolis but statewide, and rather on advancing an ideological of that is far outside of the mainstream.
There are a number of issues if we raised them here, would result in us being flamed, derided and discounted. So, we will not feed the beast with any red meat, but suffice it to say. We clearly support equal treatment under the law, and no special treatment for any group or cause.
We oppose any form of discrimination against any person based on race, gender or sexual orientation. Additionally, with the purpose of the DFL being election of Democrats and yes, they are Democratic-Farmers Laborers, they should focus on issues that build strong bonds with the electorate, rather than the fringe issues that alienate the voting base. Those issues which unif and build winning coalitions and those that provide discomfort do not.