National & Everywhere

In our publisher Shawn Towle’s over 38-years of political experience, he has worked on campaigns, participated in party politics, successfully lobbied at both the federal, state (MN, IA, WI, and CA) and municipal levels of government and written extensively.

This has resulted in our sage publication and some Words of Wisdom.

Three Rules for Every Politician to Embrace

1 Know your own narrative, both affirmatively and adversely.
a. First thing to do before becoming a candidate is to have opposition research done on yourself.
b. Understand every time a potential voter, a constituent asks a question, there is actually only one answer they are looking for.

2. What are you going to do for me.
a. Do not surround yourself with just yes men/women.

3. Always have worthwhile contrary opinions voiced around you before making decisions.
a. Being surrounded by sycophants and bootlickers will create blind spots and provide an overly inflated value of self-worth.