Minnesota Report

Attorney General Candidate Doug Wardlow (R-MN) is facing a significant problem with the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board in a complaint from former Deputy Secretary of State Kent Kaiser. H/T Michael Brodkorb.

Here is the complaint https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22088947-mncfpdbcomplaintwardlow07182022

It is alleged, the Wardlow campaign has broken a Cardinal Rule, which is coordination between campaigns and independent expenditure efforts with Rescue Minnesota. As a candidate, who pledged to abide by the endorsement and then filed for the office in the Primary Election, Wardlow had clearly invoked the wraith of the party faithful, but as a sycophant and employee of the MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell, this is not a surprise.

Laws, Rules and Regulations are mere obstructions and the 2020 Election was stolen so let chaos reign.