National & Minnesota Report

We thought we would check Wikipedia and were interested to see the information of what has been written about Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) includes the selection as Vice-Presidential running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris

What is interesting to us is now, in Chicago the Minnesota Democratic National Convention delegates will be placed in the front row along side the California delegation. This is a great deal closer to the action on the convention floor. This is a far cry from  where they they have been seated in the past. In 2000, they were stuck in the back of the convention hall after the Vice-President Al Gore nomination and during the performance of Barbara Streisand at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion their were not the last section in the nosebleed seats, but the next to last because some of the purists backed US Sen Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and Minnesotan’s ran his campaign.

In 2016, the unwise powers that be showed their stupidity supporting US Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) resulted in another abysmal placement because 2/3rds of the delegates backed Sanders..