Apr 11, 2011
This morning on the floor of the Senate, Majority Leader Amy Koch (R-19, Buffalo) named the initial Senate appointees to the respective budget bill conference committees. In the early lists, only four DFLers are sitting on the various spending bill conference...
Jan 23, 2003
It appears not to be strictly Republicans seeking opportunities in 2003. We are hearing Rep. Tom Huntley’s (DFL-07A, Duluth) name as a candidate for Duluth Mayor. With this election season fairly sparse we will be following both the Zenith and Capitol City’s politics...
Apr 4, 2000
It is hard to measure the success of an event during any legislative session. We at Checks & Balances will use our measures if the people had a good time and by most accounts they did. In attendance were Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) and State Auditor Judi...