Minnesota Was One Heartbeat Away From Being Wisconsin or Michigan

Here is food for thought or a DFL Doomsday Scenario granted its a little morose. What if  Minnesota had faced a situation where Governor Mark Dayton’s (DFL-MN) health failed during the late stages of the election. As we now know he was hospitalized. If Dayton had...

Governor Dayton’s Reflection

During what we believe may be his last Press Conference we asked Governor Mark Dayton (DFL-MN), who was the Commissioner for the Department of Energy and Economic Development under Governor Rudy Perpich (DFL-MN), “What would you say to Governor Perpich at this...

Minnesota’s Moral Hazard

If Republicans want to grow their party beyond fascistic angry white men and gray-haired people, they had better change their course regarding higher education. Our state has witnessed a dramatic shift in state support of public colleges, a shift in financial aid for...

Stalemate Continues

Rep Peggy Scott (R-49A, Andover) has waded into a political quagmire and is proving herself to not be a friend of organized labor. She is the Chief Author of HF 1469 a bill to change the current structure for determining prevailing wages and changes in the definition...

A Flavor of the Revenue Forecast Press Conferences

The DFL leadership met with reporters at 2:00 pm in room 181 of the State Office Building. Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller (DFL-59, Minneapolis) opened his comments saying, “Nothing exciting in the forecast.” He reiterated the fact the state deficit is nearly...