Calling Balls & Strikes on Campaign Ads

With the World Series just getting underway we thought the metaphor apt because if media outlets truly did call campaign ads correctly, then, ones that fell below a certain level would be called out, or a clarifier would be displayed on each ad run on that particular...

Watch the Podium at the DFL Convention

The campaign for DFL Party endorsement for Governor in 2018 starts in earnest on Saturday. We will be watching the slew of speakers who are given speaking time before the convention and we believe, this will be an indicator of those eyeing the Governor’s office. We...

How MN National Delegates Are Selected

A week from today, interested persons will gather in churches, classrooms and community centers across the state of Minnesota for precinct caucuses to start the process for delegate selection which ultimately leads to national delegate selection. The determining...

2014 Primary Results

The participation rate in the Republican Primary was quite pathetic in general and even worse when compared to the DFL. In spite of not having a serious Primary Challenger Governor Mark Dayton (DFL-MN) and Lt Governor Candidate Tina Smith (DFL-MN) scored 177,648 and...

Advanced Analysis of Today’s Primary Elections

In general, this Primary election is a snoozer. We expect the overall turnout not to exceed 200,000 in all of the primary contests combined. In 2010, the total turnout was 292,834. It is interesting to note that with the new rules for non-excuse absentee voting may...