Speaker Hortman’s Announcement of 2021-22 House Committee Chairs

Minnesota Report   Yesterday, the DFL House Caucus announced it list of committee chairs for the forthcoming legislative session. There are a number of 2nd term members who have received a gavel, and a notable placement of a woman of color, Rep Rena Moran...

What Senators Will be Under the Gun This Season, i.e. Session

There are two state Senator’s who will clearly be in painful positions this legislative session and their respective House colleagues will be in opportune positions to test their pain thresholds. Senators Paul Anderson (R-44, Plymouth) and Dan Hall (R-56, Burnsville)...

Republicans and Real ID

Libertarians applaud Republican opposition to Real ID, which is nothing more than a National ID. So far MN is one of the few remaining holdouts on this issue and after viewing the legislation which passed in the House last week S. F. No. 1646, the opposition is still...

Can You Have No Net Loss at the Same Time as No Net Gain?

The bill the NRA will be scoring this legislative session is HF498 sponsored by Rep Tony Cornish (R-24B, Good Thunder) this is the No Net Loss of Hunting Lands. His bill, along with HF332 sponsored by Rep Steve Drazkowski (R-28B, Wabasha) was heard yesterday in the...