Special Session Update-???

Minnesota Report Discussions we are having with the members of the Republican Senate Majority, which we see as the essential element, to whether a Special Session occurs, are split. We are hearing assessments of 50/50, but largely contingent of whether the three...

Two Different Worlds in the State Senate Office Building

Minnesota Report If you can make you way in the Senate Office Building, you must first stop at the Senate Clerks Desk, have an appointment or contact a specific senate office and wait to be escorted up. If you go to the 1st floor, where the main hearing rooms are,...

If Afghan’s Come to Minnesota, We Will Once Again Benefit in 2030

National and Minnesota Report Just as we did in 1990, 2000, and 2020, if Minnesota receives an infusion of new Afghan refugees and over the next decade, they solidify their connection to our state by raising families we will see a similar effect as we did when the...