Today, Redistricting Oral Arguments Commence

Minnesota Report Shortly, the oral arguments being made by the plaintiffs in the Wattson v. Simon case along with the intervenors, Peter Wattson, the lead is former Senate Counsel with significant involvement in past redistricting efforts); the Anderson Plaintiffs...

Lesser Impact of Wedge Issues During the Legislative Session

Minnesota Report It is true elections have consequences, and that no election is like another, but the value of holding an election certificate empowers one to make every decision in light of a series of factors when casting a vote. One fact, the one-person in control...

What Senators Will be Under the Gun This Season, i.e. Session

There are two state Senator’s who will clearly be in painful positions this legislative session and their respective House colleagues will be in opportune positions to test their pain thresholds. Senators Paul Anderson (R-44, Plymouth) and Dan Hall (R-56, Burnsville)...

Capital Investment Conundrum

The DFL majorities need to understand Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) doesn’t really look to government for much. Yes, he did want to create a legacy with Lake Vermillion State Park and now he wants a place to park Sex Offenders. Moose Lake Hospital is his answer for...