The Best Way to Eliminate Smoking on the LRT

Minnesota Report Attention Commissioner Nora Slawik, if you want to fix the problem of smoking on the Light Rail Train, start with a simple solution, try a community service announcement. If you have the system at the platforms and on the train regularly announce the...

Walz Administration Starts to Take Shape

Yesterday, the first selections for the Governor-elect Tim Walz and Lt Governor Peggy Flanagan (DFL-MN) were announced. Revenue Commissioner Myron Franz will continue in his current role, former House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-Minneapolis) will head the...

Slawik for Secretary of State

Rep. Nora Slawik (DFL-55B, Maplewood) is entertaining the notion of vying for Secretary of State in 2006. Slawik a suburban legislator who has played in the political school of hard knocks after losing reelection following her first term, but showed true grit and...

Angling for a Conference Committee?

The K-12 Bill saw final passage on the House floor on Thursday evening after an arduous debate from the DFL side. The minority party decided to employ a new strategy by having every one of their caucus members stand and address the impact of this bill on the schools...

Piling On

In electoral politics, the conventional wisdom is a larger turnout favors Democrats and small turnout favors Republicans. If that is the case, then anyway someone can discourage one group or another from going to the polls it is an advantage to Republicans. The call...