The Prospects for Senate Support of a Bonding Bill Looks Quite Grim

Minnesota Report The passage of HF670 on Monday on a vote of 91 to 43 may bolster some who envision the possibilities for passage of a bill for the first time in three years, but because of the realities in the Senate, its not likely. As we scrutinize the 21...

Where the Battle Lines Are for DFL House Seats

If someone wants to see the divides in our state it is clearly evident from the State House Legislative District maps from 2016. When you view it, you will see a saturation of the DFL members in the metropolitan area and a spattering of DFL legislators in the Duluth...

MN House Seat Concessions

We have spoken with operatives on both sides of the aisle in the battle for control of the MN House this legislative session, and strangely they are both in agreement. They see the outcome as too close to call and the number of variables too vast.  Those variables are...