The House Position

Yesterday, after nearly every DFL House member spoke against the bill the Republican Majority passed their version to address the $346 million dollar shortfall for the 2003 Budget. There were few big points scored by the minority as they futilely stood before the...

Mr Indecisive

If Checks & Balances were giving out an award for Mr Indecisive that title would go to Sen Dick Cohen (DFL-64, St Paul). The reason is that he is now talking about getting back into the 4th Congressional District race. His rationale is that the field is weak and...

4th Congressional District Election Supplement

The attention being given the jockeying in the 4th Congressional District is providing good political drama for the varieties of wonks, armchair pundits, and party activists. Everyone who is a candidate or a presumptive candidate is finding unique ways to convince...