2000 DFL State Convention: The Saturday Struggle

The DFL State Convention moved ahead today in a fairly normal fashion. The candidates spoke to the delegates in the following order: Steve Kelley, Michael Ciresi, Ole Savior, Steve Miles, David Lillehaug, Rebecca Yanisch and Jerry Janezich. The speeches didn’t differ...

David and David

The chatter about who will be the DFL opponent for US Senator Rod Grams (R-MN) is the subject of more that one political cocktail party. The list of names grows shorter and longer depending upon who is asked. One discussion that took place was between two frequently...

One Thing After Another

On the heels of the AFL-CIO’s decision not to endorse a candidate, at this time, the AFSCME Peoples Committee has decided not to endorse Mike Freeman. Freeman, by all accounts, was the odds-on favorite. In November, the People’s Committee met and screened...