Full Transcript of the Mayor Melvin Carter III Inaugural Address

Thank you so much, and I really appreciate for you coming out here to celebrate this moment with us. I am filled with thanks. I’m humbled to be here and just appreciative of your presence. I’m grateful for God’s love and grace are the reason I’m here today. To Sekina....

Does Checks & Balances Deserve Any Credit for Carter?

Checks & Balances played a significant role in the St Paul election of Melvin Carter III as the first black man to become Mayor of St Paul. This is not the first time our publication has been involved with Carter’s ascension. In 2007, when Carter was a...

Carter Poised to Win

Melvin Carter III (DFL) said to the gathered throng of supporters, “We are standing on the intersection of St Paul’s past and future.” With 94 out of 96 precincts reported. Carter leads with 31,264 for 51.03% over Pat Harris with 15,194 for 24.80%… This...

Carter Press Conference with Franken

We attended today’s press conference hosted by the St Paul Federation of Teachers with former City Council Member Melvin Carter III (DFL) and US Senator Al Franken (D-MN). We also attended an interview with Carter and various news affiliates afterward. . ”...