Minneapolis Debate

The major candidates for Mayor of Minneapolis will square off tomorrow at the KSTP studio. The event will be broadcast live on Channel 45 at 8:00 AM and rebroadcast at 8:00 PM. Due to a conflict Checks & Balances will not be able to attend this event as we did the...

1993/2001 Interesting Parallels

The Minneapolis mayoral election has a few similar items we found worth mentioning between the current candidacies for mayor and the candidacies of 1993. The current field of candidates includes two who were actually vying in 1993, and they are incumbent Mayor Sharon...

Bush Visit

President George W Bush (R) arrived in at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport and was greeted by Gov Jesse Ventura (RP-MN), Mayor Norm Coleman (R-St. Paul),  House Speaker Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon), former US Senator Rudy Boschwitz and a number of other Republican...