Does the Ethanol Story Have Legs?

We will be the first to say there is nothing wrong with a member of the Minnesota Legislature having side income and making money. This is a citizen’s legislature and the pittance paid for the required time commitment and work is not something many people can live...

Changing the Self-Sufficiency Standard?

It seems that there is actually a heart beating in the chest of the Governor Jesse Ventura  (IP-MN) with the tough guy image. When he came to office we heard slogans like “Love is bigger than government” and quips about the need for self-sufficiency. Maybe that was...

The C&B Session Stress Reliever

It is hard to measure the success of an event during any legislative session. We at Checks & Balances will use our measures if the people had a good time and by most accounts they did. In attendance were Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) and State Auditor Judi...

The Governor’s First Bill?

Tuesday the Governor’s Sales Tax Rebate was discussed in committee. There was a bill jacketed but there was no number assigned to it. The chief author and sole sponsor is Rep. Dave Bishop (R) district 30B, Rochester. The process that brought this bill forward...