Dayton’s Veto Gives Republicans Political Cover on Salary Increase

As the debate over legislative salaries continues, Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) in a futile attempt, to try and respond to the Republican budget, he may have provided political cover for Republican legislators by letting the courts force the issue. Constitutionally, the...

Salary Increase is Still a Political Football

Minnesotan’s passed a Constitutional Amendment to establish a commission on legislative salaries, written with language say legislators should not set their own salaries. The commission is set to release its decision and they propose to raise the salary up 45% from...

MN Legislators Pay Less than that of a Seattle Barista

This November voters will be asked to vote on a Constitutional Amendment to create an independent commission to set the salaries for legislators pay. Now many people will point out legislators work only part-time, which is not true because their responsibilities are...