Checks & Balances’ St Cloud Effect

Minnesota Report Our publication Checks & Balances has played an interesting role in the politics of St Cloud. In 2006, we wrote the first item about how Sue Ek (R), Republican candidate for an open House seat was not a resident of the district, but rather St...

Knoblach Not Seeking Reelection

Rep Jim Knoblach (R-14N St Cloud) announced today he is withdrawing from his candidacy for reelection citing an MPR story in which his daughter Laura alleges an abusive relationship since the age of nine. For the record Checks & Balances is the first media...

Corroborating Information on the Knoblach Story

Last year, we published a controversial and disturbing piece on House Ways & Means Chairman, Jim Knoblach (R-14B, St Cloud) regarding claims made by his daughter on her Facebook...

Rep Jim Knoblach Facing Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Daughter

Some disturbing information has come to our attention, alleging Rep. Jim Knoblach (R-14B, St Cloud) engaged in an abusive relationship with his daughter Laura, which if true are damning. We have received screenshots from her personal Facebook page, which has since...