The Politics of Law Enforcement are Based on Where You Live

Minnesota Report The debate on the State Senate floor yesterday, on a series of bills, SF 1 Sen Warren Limmer  (R-34, Maple Grove) law enforcement training funding, SF 3 Sen Bill Ingebrigsten (R-08, Alexandria) Use of force reporting to the BCA, SF 104 (Limmer) Use of...

Three Senate DFLers Support Ending Governor Walz Peacetime Emergency

Minnesota Report Today, both the House and Senate have taken up a Concurrent Resolution SC1 to end Governor Ttim Walz’s (DFL-MN)  Peacetime Emergency Order. The issue is being debated on the floor of the House at this moment and it passed the senate on a 38-29...

Campaign Operatives Discuss the 2016 Election

Yesterday, the MN Government Relations Council, the lobbyists’ state association, held a forum entitled “Before the Ballot Box.” The panel discussion featured: Mike Campbell, Senate GOP; Ben Golnik, House GOP; Alyssa Siems Roberson, Senate DFL and Zach Rodvold,...

Because of Trump, the DFL Senate Majority is Expanding its Target List

The 2016 Target List for the DFL was originally set at 24 and has now been expanded to 26. Additionally, four other seats have risen to higher priorities and more likely victories because of the candidacy of Donald J. Trump (R). Recent polling reveals a far stronger...

MN Legislators Pay Less than that of a Seattle Barista

This November voters will be asked to vote on a Constitutional Amendment to create an independent commission to set the salaries for legislators pay. Now many people will point out legislators work only part-time, which is not true because their responsibilities are...