There Still Are Pot Parties, But None of Them Are Major Anymore

Minnesota Report On Friday, the MN State Supreme Court released its ruling on the case brought by DFL Party Chair Ken Martin against Secretary of State Steve Simon (DFL-MN) and the Legal Marijuana Now Party over their major party status. The court ruled Legal...

Early Presidential Primary

Minnesota Report The DFL Party Chair Ken Martin, Lt Governor Peggy Flanagan (DFL-MN), Attorney General Keith Ellison (DFL-MN), Secretary of State Steve Simon (DFL-MN) all meet with the Democratic National Committee and proposed an earlier Primary Date for Minnesota....

DFL Legislators Will Not Be in Rochester

Minnesota Report We have confirmed, the DFL Legislators intend to stay in St Paul, doing the people’s work and will not be in Rochester to endorse Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN), Lt Governor Peggy Flanagan (DFL-MN), Attorney General Keith Ellison (DFL-MN) or State...

The DFL Party Dodges a Bullet

Minnesota Report Earlier this week, the DFL Party State Executive Committee considered and firmly rejected to the formation of a constituency caucus called Democratic Socialists. Now, yes, it is clear, there are hard-left leaning politicians and individuals that...

Trump Becomes Worse than Nixon Again

National and Minnesota Report Bob Woodward may once again have taken down a President with his book Rage. In the early news accounts, he has also released some taped interviews with Donald J Trump (R) which clearly show he had full knowledge of the impact of the...