Negotiating with a Grandmother

Rep Alice Seagren (R-41A, Bloomington, had a negotiating advantage over her counterpart Sen. Larry “Poggie” Pogemiller (DFL-59, Minneapolis) she was a mother and a grandmother. many have used the term “saint” when describing Seagren. She was...

Last Words on the Session

The legislative session went right up to the midnight deadline. Outside of the Capitol nighthawks were putting on an aerial display swooping and diving for insects in the bright lights shining on the Georgia marble of our state house. The last-minute posturing was...

How it All Went Down

The deal was close to completion on Saturday evening before Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) weighed in with his support for across the .5% across the board reduction. The House had agreed to provide $70 million dollars for K-12 education. The Governor’s statement...

The Art of the Deal

With less than one week to go in the legislative session, the House and Senate finally reached a compromise. The announcement came in the House chambers around 5:20 PM. The threat of a slumber party at the Governor’s residence and being locked in a room with the...