Sportsbook a Viable Financial Instrument to Pay for Venues

Minnesota Report During the debate over a new Viking’s Stadium in the 2012 session, in which a bill finally passed, we had broadly discussed the idea of using Sports Book gambling as a funding source, prior to the US Supreme Court’s decision Murphy v. National...

Quotes from the 2020 Deficit Communications

Minnesota Report In his release following the $2.5 billion deficit through 2021 announcement the following is attributed to Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN). “Today’s budget outlook confirms what we suspected: COVID-19 will badly damage Minnesota’s economy.” “As I said...

Senate Republican Budget Targets 2020-21

Minnesota Report Yesterday, the final leg of the tripartite Proposed Budget Stool was released by the Republican Senate Majority.  In their Proposed Budget Targets, they clearly are holding the line on any spending that exceeds a basic increase by the rate of...