Senate Confirmations and Rejections

Minnesota Report There is trouble brewing in River City, or in this case, St Paul regarding various Commissioners appointments by Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN). We have had direct conversations with members of the Senate Republican Caucus, and believe Senate Majority...

The Games Republicans Play

Minnesota Report There is little the Senate Republican Caucus can do in divided government to restrict the Executive Branch, but once again they are preparing to dismantle the Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) administration one person at a time by voting not to confirm his...

On-hand at the DFL Endorsing Convention CD01

3:30 pm All three opponents called for the unanimous endorsement of Dan Feehan, the motion passed. This makes Checks & Balances the only source for the actual result. 3:23 pm There is an endorsement for Dan Feehan.   Candidate 1st Ballot % 2nd Ballot % Vicki...

DFL Congressional Endorsement Contest CD01

The next Congressional endorsement contest takes place in CD01 this weekend in LeSueur at the Park Elementary School. This match-up consists of Dan Feehan (DFL) former acting Secretary of Defense in the Obama Administration, former state Sen Vicki Jensen...