We Will Be Live from the DFL State Convention

If you are interested in the blow-by-blow coverage, traditional Checks & Balances here at follow our time stamped format and hit refresh frequently, to gather the most recent information. At the DFL State Convention in Rochester will be a three-day event...

The DFL Endorsement Race for Governor by the Numbers

We will argue, next to a specific campaign, Checks & Balances is the best place to find out where things stand in an endorsement contest. The reason is clear, campaigns like to spin, i.e. Jim Niland. We then talk to the campaigns, take their information into...

Divining the Truth in the DFL Endorsement Process

On Wednesday, former Minneapolis City Council member and union organizer Jim Niland (DFL) now Rebecca Otto campaigner made a bold statement, which no one except maybe he, himself even believes. He posted to a Facebook group of DFL Activists claiming the following:...

The Donnybrook at 62A

The DFL Senate District 62 Convention started normally, albeit an hour and a half late. There were a number of problems with delegate credentialing in the beginning and this was important because open seats existed on both the A & B sides due to the retirements of...

Chasing the DFL Delegate Numbers

We learned a long time ago in politics the only way to get anything is to first ask for it. So we called the various campaigns to try and find out their respective numbers in the fight for the DFL Party endorsement. We received a varied response. Some would not...