Twins Arrogance

Minnesota Twins President Jerry Bell sat before the House Tax Committee on Monday and would not make any commitments from the team on the bill moving through the committee or any other pending legislation. He was directly asked a by Tax Committee Chairman Ron...

Stretching During the Twins Seventh Life

The Twins Stadium bill did not emerge from the House Tax Committee on Friday.  The committee began the discussion at 8:00 AM. They are continuing the discussion in committee on Monday.  One thing is clear.  The bill exiting the committee will look noticeably different...

Twins Had Better Sell

The chief author for the Twin’s Stadium bill in the House Loren Jennings (DFL) HD 18B Harris, expressed a clear opinion on the future of baseball in Minnesota. He said that if the Twins have not signed a deal relocating the Twins by the start of the season the...