Donald J Trump, the Unartful Dodger

National & Minnesota Report Last night, former President Donald J Trump (R) returned to New Hampshire for a town hall forum hosted at Saint Anselm College and moderated by CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins. The event commenced with a question from Collins, asked if he...

We Expect a Special Session

Minnesota Report Whether there is an agreement or not, we believe Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) will call the legislature back in Special Session, in order to highlight the fact, he wants to provide tax relief, rebate checks tot tax payers and potentially a large number of...

Is Rupert Murdoch Responsible for Sowing Seeds of Division in America?

National and Minnesota Report America was not as divided of a nation before the inception of Fox News, and as it was said by Bill Murray in Stripes in 1982, “That’s a fact, Jack.” Comments by President Joe Biden (D) recently revealed his description of Rupert Murdoch...