Minneapolis City Government Puts on its Public Face

The swearing in of the government in Minneapolis originally took place, as in tradition, behind closed doors six days ago. Today, the public swearing in of Mayor Jacob Frey (DFL) and the thirteen members of the City Council occurred this morning at 930 am....

Frey Wins with Plurality

As expected the race in Minneapolis produced a plurality victor with Council Member (Ward 3) Jacob Frey (DFL) eventually receiving 44.69%. He was followed by Rep. Raymond Dehn (DFL-59A, Minneapolis) eventually had 33.46%. Incumbent Mayor Betsy Hodges (DFL) was dropped...

Minneapolis & St Paul Mayoral Races are Only Smiles and Profiles.

The problem with Ranked Choice Voting is the lack of differentiation between the candidates. The fact each candidate is seeking to be the 2nd choice for voters, after their 1st choice is no longer in the field, is only available if the voter selected someone who fails...

Minneapolis Mayor’s Race 2017: 82 Days and Counting

There are sixteen candidates for mayor this go-round versus thirty-five in 2013. We expect the decline is due to the $500 filing fee, which can be offset by securing 500 valid signatures, which by our measure is too low of a bar for entry. As we did in the St Paul...

Minneapolis DFL City Convention

4:53 PM We are on-hand for the Minneapolis DFL City Convention it has been a long day. It is 4:53 pm and the first candidate for Mayor Rep. Ray Dehn (DFL-59B, Minneapolis) is speaking. There was a Rules fight earlier in the day that resulted in a process that will...