Historic Election Turnout Numbers

The numbers from the most recent multi-candidate DFL Primaries are listed below. It is important to note, these numbers are from somewhat different districts because of 2012 redistricting, but they are valid ballpark figures. We have broken out the Seven Metro...

Preliminary Early Voting Numbers

If the Early Voting trend continues as much as 20-25% of the votes cast in the State Primary could be by mailed ballot. We have heard as many as 100,000 mailed ballots have been requested and the report from the Secretary of State Office shows 29.657 ballots have been...

Its the Consulting Stupid: Or How to Get on the Allina Blacklist

It was interesting to learn last week about the activities undertaken by our state’s largest HMO, Allina, when Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) placed them under the microscope. The basis of Hatch’s inquiries was the expenditure of dollars for outside consultants...

Past Connections, Future Rewards

In 1988, during his tenure as Chief of Staff for Congressman Bruce Vento (D-MN), John Boland supported Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-MO03) in his bid for the Presidency. He was the Minnesota Chair of the Gephardt for President Campaign. That connection may prove...