Speaker Tentative Pronouncement on Masks

Minnesota Report On Monday, while leaving the House floor at the end of the session, House Speaker Melissa Hortman while speaking with her Press Secretary Ted Modrich pondered out loud in a manner intended to be overhead, whether the need for masks in the House would...

What Governor and Legislative Leaders Say When They are Together

Minnesota Report We participated in a Zoom call with Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) and the legislative leadership, Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller (R-28, Winona), Senate Minority Leader Melisa Lopez Franzen (DFL-49, Edina), House Minority Leader Ryan Winkler...

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

One problem in life, as well as politics, is the hypocrisy people see when people say one thing and do another.  This is probably where the adage “people in glass houses should not throw stones” emanates from.  Such is the case on the matters before the...

Email Exchange

The email sent by Rep. Michael Paymar (DFL – 64B, St. Paul) to identify know tobacco lobbyists has met with some reprisals from his colleagues.  Rep. Dave Bishop (R – 30B, Rochester) criticized the disparaging comments about the names listed in...