Legislative Committee Deadlines

Minnesota Report Because of the speed in which the legislature is moving, the Legislative Committee Deadlines might not be overly significant, but still worth noting. Announced on January 12, they are: Committee Deadlines 1st deadline – March 10, 2023. 2nd...

Expectations of More Joint Committee Hearing and Pre-Conferred Bills

Minnesota Report We are hearing about the possibility of joint action on certain pieces of legislation in order to expedite their passage. In the legislative vernacular, these are call Pre-Conferred Bill. It has been a longtime since a piece of legislation, except a...

House Set to Reopen Next Week

Minnesota Report On Tuesday, entrants into the State Office Building were disappointed to find the doors to the legislative floors still closed to the public. This is directly opposite of the Senate, which remains as it was under Republican control open and accessible...

2023-24 Legislative Committee Rosters

Minnesota Report This evening the state senate released its committee membership lists as did the house late last week. We have attempted to flesh out each list in a little more logical fashion, which makes the most sense to us. You will note, the meeting day(s) and...

2023-24 Election Directories

Minnesota Report We looked for the legislative election directories today and only found the newly elected members of the House. https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hinfo/leginfo/elecdir22.pdf We called the Senate and we informed, in spite of it being half the size of...