Speaker Seeking to Put Brakes on Legislation

Minnesota Report We are hearing House Speaker Melissa Hortman (DFL-37B, Brooklyn Park) is seeking to curtail the volume of legislation being drafted and wants only members not lobbyists putting bills in the Hopper. As of today, prior to the start of the today’s...

Pace and Substance of the Legislative Session

Minnesota Report By all accounts, the amount of early action by the two legislative bodies is setting an aggressive pace and the items being considered are quite substantial. The total number of bills introductions posted on the respective websites this morning, show...

ICYMI: The House is Finally Open to the Public

Minnesota Report The State Office Building, finally opened its doors on Monday. Now, things are back to nearly a semblance of regular order. The Senate Office Building was opened up last legislative session under Republican control and remained so this legislative...

Legislative Committee Deadlines

Minnesota Report Because of the speed in which the legislature is moving, the Legislative Committee Deadlines might not be overly significant, but still worth noting. Announced on January 12, they are: Committee Deadlines 1st deadline – March 10, 2023. 2nd...

Expectations of More Joint Committee Hearing and Pre-Conferred Bills

Minnesota Report We are hearing about the possibility of joint action on certain pieces of legislation in order to expedite their passage. In the legislative vernacular, these are call Pre-Conferred Bill. It has been a longtime since a piece of legislation, except a...