Franken Will Be Missed in the Kavanaugh Vetting Process

When Trump Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee US Senator Al Franken (D-MN) was by far the most poignant and effective critic of the nominee. Now, without Franken, we will be left to our Senior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)...

Dayton, Lone Dissenter

US Senator Mark Dayton was the sole vote against Asa Hutchinson to head the Drug Enforcement Agency. The Senate confirmed Hutchinson on Wednesday evening by a vote of 98 to 1. We understand the reason for Dayton’s protest vote was his opposition to the Bush...

Minn Takes it on the Chin

It was surprising that the State Senate needed to take a vote on the appointment for acting Commerce and Department of Public Safety Commissioner Steven Minn. Normally if the relationship between the legislature and a governor deteriorates over an issue both try to...

Minn Saga Continues

The tireless battle between members of the State Senate and acting Commissioner Steve Minn continues to play out like a theatrical production. Intrigue, allegations, rumors, and threats are all part of the drama. The one question is who is the protagonist? Is it the...