Many DFLers Disappointmented with Dayton’s Budget Revisions

Upon Governor Mark Dayton’s (D) early evening return from attending the National Governor’s Association winter meeting in Washington, DC he presented his proposed budget revision for FY2012-13. The list of items accounted for the entire $1,160b realized with the...

Legislative Leaders Response to the 2011 Revenue Forecast

The Republicans going first started with House Speaker Kurt Zellers (R-32B, Maple Grove), Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch (R-19, Buffalo), House Majority Leader Matt Dean (R-52B, Dellwood) and Assistant Senate Majority Leader Geoff Michel (R-41, Edina) who stood...

Dayton’s Initial Responses to Changes in the 2011 Revenue Forecast

Governor Mark Dayton (D-MN) will not be able to meet with the press until 5:00 pm tonight when he returns from the National Governor’s Association meeting in Washington, D.C. Dayton said he would only ask from those with means to pay in an additional amount to meet...

Governor Dayton’s First Budget Address

The first budget address by Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) opened with the following remarks: Dayton said, “I have always said that a budget is about values and priorities, as well as dollars and cents. My budget represents my values and priorities, one of which is to...


We received this release from AFSCME Council 5 and also learned 900 of their members took advantage of early retirement opportunities last year. Here is the release: AFSCME Council 5 praised Gov. Mark Dayton’s fair budget fix that balances $2 billion of service cuts...