How it All Went Down

The deal was close to completion on Saturday evening before Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) weighed in with his support for across the .5% across the board reduction. The House had agreed to provide $70 million dollars for K-12 education. The Governor’s statement...

The Art of the Deal

With less than one week to go in the legislative session, the House and Senate finally reached a compromise. The announcement came in the House chambers around 5:20 PM. The threat of a slumber party at the Governor’s residence and being locked in a room with the...

Negotiating Points

The best case scenario in negotiating is a win/win. In this fashion, both sides can walk away from the table and claim victory. The new model Minnesota is win/win/win. In response to the tripartite government the Governor, the Senate DFL Majority and the House...