Minnesota Report When new legislative districts are announced the spate of choices are limited for legislators drawn together with another member or for those drawn out of the districts they currently represent. Those choices are, run in the district you are drawn...
Minnesota Report In a regular session, the legislature proposes and the governor disposes. It is the same in a special session, but the initiation is where it differs because the governor decides when the legislature is called back and that is a leverage point. In...
Former Governor Arne Carlson (when in office R-MN, now Independent) and former Rep Janet Clark now Entzel (DFL-Minneapolis) both signed a post on Carlson’s blog today. Calling in An Open Letter to Democrats for US Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) to debate the...
At the onset of the legislative session Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) established three specific priorities, which the legislature has largely ignored: Stable funding for transportation and transit, ditch buffers on agricultural lands to protect the state’s water supply...
We continue to believe, in spite of all claims to the contrary, Minnesota is headed toward a government shutdown. It is our contention, the Republican legislative majorities are willing to stand firm on their position against any additional revenues for state...