Minnesota Report

Yesterday, SF 0073 (Cannabis provisions modification) authored by Sen Lindsey Port (DFL-55, Burnsville) made its fifth stop in the Committee on Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committee. During the proceedings, former Gov Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) testified before his first legislative committee. He was welcomed by Committee Chair Sen Foung Hawj (DFL-67, St Paul). The chiseled jaw, and deep resonating voice were ever present, and the words he offered were heartfelt and of great significance to him as he discussed the issue of legalization of recreational cannabis.

The first point of emphasis he made was to the miraculous benefit, he witnessed, when his wife Terry, was experiencing convulsive seizures and how four different pharmaceutical prescriptions failed to address her condition and a tincture of cannabis drops did. He acknowledged breaking Minnesota law before passage of the Medical Marijuana Law in 2014, and having the friends from Colorado shipping him the substance.

During his testimony Ventura, reflected on his military service when he was in country in Vietnam and upon return to the US, asked to go back, because he would be able to drink a beer, since the drinking and voting ages were 21. He in turn, invoked the old argument made in his day, in favor of raising the drinking age with a twist now, regarding setting the legal age of consumption, “If you are old enough to kill for your country and be killed for your country, you should be able old enough to smoke a joint. To this end he called for consistency, but also emphasized if you were eligible to make the ultimate sacrifice for your country then all rights and privileges should be available universally.

Ventura’s testimony is at 14:18  Committee on Environment, Climate, and Legacy Hearing Video