Minnesota Report

In 1994, US House Minority Leader Newt Gingrich (R-GA) put forward the Contract With America, which opponents labeled as the Contract on America. Today, the Republican Senate Majority led by Sen. Paul Gazelka (R-09, Nisswa) and Republican House Minority led Rep Kurt Daudt (R-31A, Crown) and their respective teams met with reporters on the South Lawn of the State Capitol to present their Contract To Open Minnesotan.

Here are the points they advanced.

Contract To Open Minnesota

We believe in Minnesota, their good judgment and ability to safely live their own lives. Our faith and trust in Minnesotans is at the center of this pledge — our Contract To Open Minnesota.

As we enter the ninth month of this pandemic, Minnesota has sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the “curve” has been flattened, and the Minnesota healthcare and hospital capacity far exceed the need.

Minnesota Senate and House Republicans pledge to you, that if Minnesota Republicans are re-elected as the leaders of the Minnesota State Senate and elected the new leaders of the Minnesota State House of Representatives, we will enact the following policies described in this Contract To Open Minnesota:

  1. Every Minnesota child deserves a great education, and the right to be in the classroom. Minnesota students are at risk of academic failure, severe mental health issues, and engagement in serious at-risk activities if our schools remain closed. WE WILL safely reopen our schools for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, while preserving distance learning options for at-risk students and families.
  2. Every Minnesota student has a right to participate in their favorite activities. WE WILL allow all school athletics and activities to safely resume.
  3. Local schools can keep spectators safe at sporting events. WE WILL allow schools to make these decisions on their own and help get parents and fans back in the stands for school sports and activities. Minnesotans have a right to worship in person.
  4. Faith is the cornerstone of life for many Minnesota citizens, and government has no place in telling people when, where, or how they can worship. WE WILL safely allow all houses of worship to open, and trust faith leaders to keep attendees safe.Minnesota restaurants and other venues have a right to be open.
  5. One-size-fits-all restrictions have gone on too long — it’s time for a regional approach that allows local communities to decide how best to combat the epidemic  WE WILL end one-size-fits-all restrictions, and restore decision-making power to the people for bars, restaurants, and other venues.

 We trust Minnesota families, schools, churches, and businesses to be responsible and live safely. Instead of concentrating power in one person or at the state level, we will return it to Minnesotans, and the local leaders they elected.